Tyger Engine
Tyger tyger, burning bright…
An OpenGL “game engine” I’m writing in C++. It’s mostly for me to experiment with OOP design patterns (I bought the “Dive into Design Patterns” book recently, and I’ve always enjoyed implementing gameprogrammingpatterns.com design patterns.) and learn OpenGL (learnopengl.com is excellent.), as well as a framework for me to play around with anything 3d graphics-related or video game related.
## Name origin
Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?\
- William Blake
The poem “The Tyger” by William Blake speaks of the “tyger” (sic) as a terrifying-yet-beautiful creature. It is my hope that perhaps one day, this engine could become a powerful game engine in Modern C++. Perhaps it would have support for Vulkan and have cleaner code and abstractions, and it would feel nice to work with, only then I feel like it would be worthy of the name “tyger engine”.
## TO-DO
- Screenshots
- Maybe a Logo for fun