Moving some of my old posts here...
You might have noticed an influx of new posts on my site.
This is because I’ve decided to go through some (not all) of the best (-ish, I don’t have a high bar) blog posts I’ve made in the past 10 years or so, and move it here for visibility, sometimes merging some of the related blog posts into one. I’ve prefixed the titles of these posts with “[Archive]”.
I’ve usually added a short editor’s note at the top of the post saying where it is originally from, a disclaimer that I was a lot younger and immature when I wrote it, maybe with a short retrospective of what I remember from it (I lost most of my work to many of my old projects in a hard drive crash unfortunately, which is a shame because I also had some unpublished work that I wanted to eventually put somewhere, now lost into the ether).
Hope you enjoy the new (actually old) content! I’m hoping to clean up this website a lot more too in the future, adding some slides and works I’ve done in the past that i haven’t placed here yet, fixing broken/dead links, updating my resume with my latest version, perhaps even migrating to a new custom theme for the site.
But for now, I’ll stick with this.